West Texas Trail Walkers
Celebrating over 40 years of hiking our West Texas favorites!

Our Next Event:
Ruidoso / Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico
October 10-12, 2025
Updated January 9, 2025
The West Texas Trail Walkers Board has decided to hold our walks in Ruidoso the weekend of October 10-12, 2025. The forest has been re-opened after the fires and floods. The originally planned trails will be re-evaluated for suitability and safety, and may have to be modified.
Registration information will be sent around May or June as per usual.

Mural in midtown Ruidoso
News and Notes
Posted January 9, 2025
Ruidoso Event is on in 2025
The Ruidoso events that were cancelled in October 2024 will be held in October 2025. Ruidoso has worked hard to recover from the fire and floods, and the businesses in the village need our patronage.
Bull elk at Two Rivers Park in Ruidoso
Volunteers Needed!
As you know, it takes a core group of volunteers to organize a hiking event of this magnitude. We always need volunteers to serve as hiking directors and assistant hiking directors for each day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. These volunteers set up the hikes, determine the check points and trail markings, create a map and directions, coordinate the worker's walks and recruit several volunteers to help out on the day of the hike. Since our hikes use established state park trails and maps, the walk directors don't need to do much background preparation.
If you prefer to volunteer for more specific tasks, we have several volunteer opportunities. These activities are "nice to have" but not "mission essential." If we don't have volunteers, most likely they will be dropped. Here are the volunteer activities:
Designing and purchasing the annual Patch
Selecting and negotiating a special hotel rate
Selecting the location and coordinating the Friday night happy hour
Lastly, we always need people to serve on the board. We have one position open in October 2023. Also Susan Noonan is serving as acting President and Secretary. She is willing to serve in one of these officer positions, but needs someone to volunteer for either President or Secretary.
Thank you to all our volunteers. Without this active core, our organization would fold.